Vybrali sme dva návrhy od Almy kolekcia abstraktného umenia pre našu jedáleň. Dostali sme oveľa skôr, ako sa očakávalo, a kvalita plátien bola skvelá! Dizajn a živosť farieb sú presne také, ako je vidieť na stránke. Dôrazne odporúčame!

Stand By Stropné svietidlo
Premeňte svoj obývací priestor na maják štýlu pomocou stropnej lampy Stand By, stelesnenia modernej jednoduchosti spojenej s príťažlivým nádychom elegancie. Toto svietidlo, ktoré je teraz dostupné vo verziách stropného aj závesného svietidla na stránke Inscension.shop, uchváti svojím vycibreným vkusom a nenápadným pôvabom, ideálne na vylepšenie akéhokoľvek priestoru dizajnom, ktorý je elegantne minimalistický a zároveň odvážne výrazný.
Osvetľujúca nádhera: Bez námahy rozjasňuje rozsiahle oblasti a vrhá teplú a príjemnú žiaru, ktorá slúži ako ideálny stredobod každého prostredia.
Nadčasové kúzlo: Pozdvihne váš dekor svojím luxusným a sofistikovaným dizajnom, ktorý bez problémov dopĺňa a vylepšuje akýkoľvek štýl interiéru.
- Osobitý štýl: Nielen zdroj svetla, ale aj vyjadrenie módy a elegancie, ktoré odlišuje váš priestor svojou jedinečnou prítomnosťou a pôvabom.
- Záruka: 3 roky
- Napätie: 90-260V
- Ručne pletené
- Typ základne: E27
- Priemer 50 cm x výška 9 cm
- Priemer 60 cm x výška 10 cm
- Priemer 80 cm x výška 12 cm
- Priemer 100 cm x výška 14 cm
- Priemer 120 cm x výška 20 cm
Ogranic Cotton
Tienidlo je vyrobené z organickej bavlny a vytvára ručne vyrobený, udržateľný a odolný kúsok. Táto voľba nielen vylepšuje vašu výzdobu, ale tiež znižuje dopad na životné prostredie, čím sa stáva vedomým a elegantným doplnkom vášho domova.
Certifikácia: CCC,ce,EMC,UL
Product Details
Shipping Info & Returns
Free Worldwide Shipping on All Orders
Estimated Delivery Times
- Small Items: 12-15 days.
- Large Items or Bulk Orders: 21-30 days.
- Made-to-Order Items/Furniture: May require an extra 4-12 weeks, depending on location.
*Made-to-Order Items: These items are fabricated after an order is placed.
Processing and Tracking:
- In-stock items: 1-6 business days.
- Tracking: Email notification when shipped.
For more detailed information, please refer to our Full Shipping Policy here.
Return Policy - 30 Day Easy return
- Non-Custom Items: Returnable within 30 days for refund.
For further details, please refer to our: full Return Policy here.
About us
At Inscension.shop, we are a small family-owned business based in Amsterdam, where the founders share a deep passion for design, creating cozy sanctuaries, and nurturing artistic expression.. With over 10+ years of experience in the industry and a love for interior design, the founders bring a unique perspective to curating our handcrafted artisanal modern home decor collection.
We believe that your living space should reflect your personality, style, and values, while promoting comfort, relaxation, and well-being. That's why we carefully select and offer high-quality, handcrafted products that are not only visually stunning but also functional and sustainable.
As a company, we are committed to making these beautiful and unique products accessible to everyone by offering them at affordable prices. We take pride in our ethical business practices, supporting local artisans and communities, and continuously striving to reduce our environmental impact.
Whether you're looking to enhance your living room, bedroom, or any other space, we invite you to explore our curated collection and create a home that inspires and uplifts you. Join us on this journey of artistry, sustainability, and the creation of your own personal sanctuary.

At Inscension.shop, each piece is thoughtfully curated and crafted with care, bringing the best of modern design into your home.

We commit to sustainability through eco-friendly materials and ethical production, combining elegance with environmental responsibility.

Transform your space with collections that reflect your personal style and elevate your everyday living.
At Inscension.shop, each piece is thoughtfully curated and crafted with care, bringing the best of modern design into your home.
We commit to sustainability through eco-friendly materials and ethical production, combining elegance with environmental responsibility.
Transform your space with collections that reflect your personal style and elevate your everyday living.